Towards A Low Carbon Cultural Food System
The chart and data below compares the cultural and environmental impact of each food ingredient used in a typical Low Carbon Supper Club. Track each ingredient’s lifecycle, including its carbon footprint, from cradle-to-consumption; its journey from source to Leeds, UK in the Autumn-Winter season; and its significance to Chinese food culture. The ingredients are arranged based on each one’s combined cultural and environmental impact, considering the quantity used for a typical Supper Club for 60 people.
• Calculations are based on preparing a communal Supper Club meal for 60 people
• Waitrose was chosen as the key supplier for most of the dry ingredients, as it was listed one of UK’s greenest supermarkets by Which? (2022)
• Ingredients that are produced or grown overseas are assumed to arrive in the UK via air freight, before being transported by trucks to arrive at various storage or distribution locations.
• The chart shows relative comparison between food ingredients via calculating the carbon footprint of each ingredient's travel miles based on its quantity. Information is obtained through online research and sources such as Waitrose and the food product brands websites. There are still many missing gaps of information that require detailed research.
• Address locations are based on information and/or deduction from the food product company's website, and online resources on origin of ingredients.
• Ingredients showcased here are chosen by East & Southeast Asian participants, based on what they think are authentic to Chinese food culture, which do not necessarily represent the lowest carbon footprint ingredients available in the UK.
• Most ingredients are seasonal and may be grown or sourced from other locations depending on the time of the year, as a result, their carbon footprint data may vary.

Low Carbon Chinatown is a project by Ling Tan, originally commissioned by Kakilang. Leeds Low Carbon Chinatown is commissioned by Compass Festival.
With contributions from data scientist Raphael Leung, food writers MiMi Aye, Uyen Luu and Shu Han Lee, designer Usman Haque, production manager Nick Murray, fabricator Gary Campbell, structural engineer Atelier One, and community film participants Man Chiu Leong, Bei Gao, Haojin Wang & Stephen Wong.
With support from Arts Council England, Compass Festival, Manchester Museum, Barking Riverside & Royal Docks. With community support from London Chinese Community Centre, Hackney Chinese Community Centre, Newham Chinese Association, Mafwa Theatre, Lincoln Greeners & Lychee Red Chinese Seniors.